Google Street View 2022 Coverage

2022 Coverage 2023 Coverage 2024 Coverage
This part of the blog is under construction, most of the towns and cities in Russia & Bangladesh are missing
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Note: This list includes Google Arts trekkers and tripods, these usually take time to be uploaded to the platform, for example some museum and building views that were captured in 2020 or 2021 may be published in 2022, the same applies for road coverage but with the new image processing for roads, Google can quickly publish the coverage, although sometimes when using this method the coverage is broken and you have to wait a while for it to be fixed.


Publish Date Locations
January 28
Erasmus Huis in Jakarta, Indonesia (Coverage Date: August 2021) (See Netherlands and You Article) (Google Arts Page)
January 31
Anáhuac in Veracruz State (Coverage Date: December 2021), in addition to Santa María Yolotepec in Oaxaca State (Coverage Date: January 2022)


Publish Date Locations
February 2
Riolândia & Palestina in São Paulo State (Coverage Date: December 2021)
February 5
  • São Paulo State: Rosana (Coverage Date: December 2021)
  • Parana State: Figueira (Coverage Date: December 2021) & Japurá
    [Note]About 25.42% of the town is covered, the coverage extends mainly in the town center.
    (Coverage Date: December 2021)
February 6
Poteran Island in East Java (Coverage Date: December 2021)
February 8
  • Canlaon City in Negros Oriental (Coverage Date: August 2021);
  • Kidapawan, Pikit & Antipas
    [Note] The Google cars passed through Antipas twice in 2021, the first time in April and the second time in September.
    in Cotabato (Coverage Date: April 2021)
  • Cateel in Davao Oriental (Cov. Date: July 2021)
  • Malita in Davao del Sur (Cov. Date: June 2021)
  • Samal Island in Davo del Norte (Cov. Date: July 2021)
  • Olango Island (Cov. Date: November 2021)
  • In addition to the Camotes Islands which include Pacijan, Poro and Ponson (Cov. Date: September 2021)
Nizhnyaya Omka Нижняя Омка Jun 2021
Muromtsevo Муромцево Jun 2021
Nazyvaevsk Называевск Jul 2021
Pavlogradka Павлоградка Jul 2021
Krestiki Крестики Jun 2021
Okoneshnikovo Называевск Jun 2021
Kolpashevo Колпашево Aug 2021
Kargasok Каргасок Aug 2021
Asino Асино Jul 2021
Togur Тогур Aug 2021
Krivosheino Кривошеино Aug 2021
Tegul'det Тегульдетское Jul 2021
Kozhevnikovo Кожевниково Aug 2021
Zakamensk Закаменск Aug 2021
Sosnovo-Ozerskoe Сосново-Озерское Aug 2021
Bagdarin Багдарин Aug 2021
Khorinsk Хоринск Aug 2021
Kizhinga Кижинга Aug 2021
Gorkhon Горхон Aug 2021
Novoil'insk Новоильинск Aug 2021
Ust-Barguzin Усть-Баргузин Jul 2021
Selenginsk Селенгинск Jul 2021
Gusinooziorsk Гусиноозерск Aug 2021
Olenegorsk Оленегорск Aug 2021
Revda Ревда Aug 2021
Lovozero Ловозеро Aug 2021
Verkhnetulomsky Верхнетуломский Aug 2021
Zapoliarni Заполярный Aug 2021
Palásovka Палласовка Mar 2021
Frolovo Фролово Mar 2021
Novoanninsky Новоа́ннинский Mar 2021
Nikolayevsk Николаевск May 2021
Mirni Мирный Jul 2021
Khadinga Хандыга Aug 2021
Niurba Нюрба Jul 2021
Ytyk-Kiuel' Ытык-Кюель Aug 2021
Namtsy Намцы Jul 2021
Salejard Салехард Jul 2021
Labytnangi Лабытна́нги Jul 2021
Aksarka Аксарка Jul 2021
Nadym Надым Jul 2021
Usinsk Усинск Aug 2021
Pechora Печо́ра Aug 2021
Nizhny Odes Ни́жний О́дес Aug 2021
Usugorsk Усого́рск Jul 2021
Zheshart Же́шарт Jul 2021
Mikun Ми́кунь Jul 2021
Akbulak Акбулак May 2021
Sergiyevsk Сергиевск Apr 2021
Kinel-Cherkassy Кинель-Черкассы Apr 2021
February 11
[Note] About 25% of the town is covered, the coverage extends around the main road.
Juanacatlán & Santa María in Jalisco State (Coverage Date: January 2022)
Tres Isletas & Napenay in Chaco Province (Coverage Date: December 2021)
Japurá in Paraná State
[Note] About 25.42% of the town is covered, the coverage extends mainly in the town center.
(Coverage Date: December 2021)
February 12
[Note] Coverage extends mainly to the south of the town
(Coverage Date: September 2021), Hartswater (Coverage Date: June 2021), Douglas
[Note] The coverage extends mainly in the southeastern part of the town.
(Coverage Date: June 2021), Colesberg (Coverage Date: August 2021) & Delportshoop
[Note] The 2019 fourth-generation camera images for South Africa were released along with the other fourth-generation images for 2020-2021
(Coverage Date: September 2019) in Northern Cape
February 14
Quartel Geral in Minas Gerais (Coverage Date: December 2021)
February 16
Resende Costa, Marilac, Mathias Lobato & Cristais in Minas Gerais State (Coverage Date: December 2021)
Kathu in Northern Cape (Coverage Date: October 2021)
February 23
Emilianópolis & Narandiba in São Paulo State (Coverage Date: December 2021)


Publish Date Locations
March 17
Pocrane in Minas Gerais State (Coverage Date: December 2021)
March 20
Katiadi (কটিয়াদী), Palash (পলাশ), Kapasia (কাপাসিয়া), Bhairab (ভৈরব বাজার) & Monohardi (মনোহরদী পৌরসভা) in Dhaka Division (Coverage Date: January 2022)
Bom Repouso in Minas Gerais State (Coverage Date: November 2021)
Las Badeas in Veracruz State (Coverage Date: January 2022), in addition to El Guayabo in Jalisco State (Coverage Date: February 2022)


Publish Date Locations
April 8
Bregovo (Брегово) in Vidin Province (Cov. Date: Apr 2022)
Dubai Trekkers (Coverage Date: December 2021):
April 11
Țepu in Galați County (Coverage Date: April 2022)
April 15
Madaripur (মাদারীপুর) in Dhaka Division (Coverage Date: February 2022)
Radal (Coverage Date: February 2022), Choroico (Coverage Date: January 2022), Quepe (Coverage Date: February 2022), Los Laureles (Coverage Date: January 2022) & Galvarino (Coverage Date: December 2021) in Araucanía Region
April 16
Anzoátegui in Tolima Department (Coverage Date: September 2021)
April 19
Lighthouse Reserve (Coverage Date: April 2021) in Sydney, New South Wales
April 22
Lautaro & Pillanlelbun in Araucanía Region (Coverage Date: February 2022)
Ișalnița in Dolj County
Pattiyagama, Dangalla & Papiliyawala in Western Province (Coverage Date: March 2022)
  • Mymensingh Division: Sherpur (শেরপুর), Bakshiganj (বকশীগঞ্জ), Muktagacha (মুক্তাগাছা), Jamalpur (জামালপুর), Dewanganj (দেওয়ানগঞ্জ), Phulpur (ফূলপুর), Gafargaon (গফরগাঁও) & Mohanganj (মোহনগঞ্জ) (Coverage Date: March 2022)
  • Southern Dhaka Division: Faridpur (ফরিদপুর), Shibchar (শিবচর), Pangsha (পাংশা), Gopalganj (গোপালগঞ্জ) (Coverage Date: February 2022)
April 26
Buenos Aires Park Trekkers: Plaza Primero de Mayo (Coverage Date: September 2021), Parque Lezama (Coverage Date: July 2021), Plaza del Congreso (Coverage Date: May 2021) & Plaza General Pueyrredón (Coverage Date: May 2021)


Publish Date Locations
May 16
Pâncota in Arad County (Coverage Date: April 2022)
May 17
Diosig in Bihor County (Coverage Date: April 2022)
May 18
[Note] About 25% of the town is covered, the cover extends to the northeast of the town.
in Zacatecas (Coverage Date: February 2022)
23 historical and cultural sites in Italy captured with a tripod in association with Unione Nazionale Pro Loco d'Italia di Ragusa:  Coverage of these sites dates from September 2020, but was published in 2022. (See Reteibla Article)
May 20
[Note] Google cars passed through part of town again in June 2022
in Nitra Region (Coverage Date: April 2021)
May 21
Kılıçlar in Ankara Province (Coverage Date: May 2021)
May 24
Hronovce in Nitra Region (Coverage Date: April 2022)
May 25
Spinu in Vâlcea County (Coverage Date: May 2022) & Ghelari in Hunedoara County (Coverage Date: May 2022)
Adnan Menderes
[Note] 25% of the town is covered
& Evci in Mersin Province (Coverage Date: April 2022), in addition to Karataş in Adana Province (Coverage Date: April 2022)
May 29
Jánossomorja in Győr-Moson-Sopron County (Coverage Date: May 2022)
Perquenco in Araucanía Region (Coverage Date: January 2022)


Publish Date Locations
June 1
Çamardı in Niğde Province (Coverage Date: May 2022)
Capitan Pastene (Coverage Date: February 2022), Lumaco (Coverage Date: February 2022), Lastarria (Coverage Date: February 2022), Curacautín (Coverage Date: January 2022) & Carahue (Coverage Date: December 2021 to February 2022) in Araucania Region
June 11
Agnita in Sibiu County (Coverage Date: May 2022)
June 16
Carakana Arts Gallery in Nairobi, Kenya (Coverage Date: April 2022) (See Pulse Live Kenya Article) (Google Arts Page)
Tinca in Bihor County (Coverage Date: April 2022)
Pajacuarán in Michoacán State (Coverage Date: March 2022)
Sugözü in Adana Province (Coverage Date: March 2022)
June 18
Havndal in Central Jutland Region (Coverage Date: May 2022)
Some neighborhoods south of Ciudad Gustavo Díaz Ordaz in Tamaulipas including Prado Sur, Fundadores, Emancipadores and Las Fuentes. (Coverage Date: May 2022)
Paranagi in Parana State (Coverage Date: May 2022)
Erdőtelek in Heves County (Coverage Date: June 2022)
June 19
Yenişarbademli in Isparta Province (Coverage Date: June 2022)
Los Reyes de Salgado in Michoacán State (Coverage Date: May 2022), in addition, Ciudad Mier
[Note] Coverage extends mainly through the center of town.
in Tamaulipas (Coverage Date: May 2022)
Potlogi in Dâmbovița County (Coverage Date: June 2022)
June 20
[Note] Coverage extends mainly in the main streets of the town.
in Heves County (Coverage Date: June 2022)
[Note] The coverage of the road connecting Mezquites with other parts of Nayarit was published on June 29.
in Nayarit State (Coverage Date: March 2022)
June 24
Veľké Lovce & Dedinka in Nitra Region (Coverage Date: May 2022), in addition, Krahule in Banská Bystrica (Coverage Date: April 2022)
Huğlu (Coverage Date: June 2022), Derebucak (Coverage Date: June 2022), Emirgazi (Coverage Date: May 2022) & Akören
[Note] The street view of the town center is not available, because Google is obliged not to publish all coverage of streets that are near government buildings or military facilities in Turkiye
(Coverage Date: May 2022) in Konya Province
Ban Pa (ตำบล บ้านป่า) in Saraburi Province (Coverage Date: June 2022)
  • Satu Mare: Vezendiu (Coverage Date: June 2022)
  • Vrancea: Păunești
    [Note] Coverage extends mainly in the main streets of the town. The 205H Road was originally covered in August 2012.
    (Coverage Date: June 2022)
[Note] Coverage extends mainly through the center of town.
in Tocatins State (Coverage Date: May 2022)
June 25
[Note] Coverage extends around the main streets of the village
in Neamț County (Coverage Date: June 2022)
June 28
[Note] Coverage extends mainly through south of the town.
& Matrinchã
[Note] Coverage extends mainly through south of the town.
in Goias State (Coverage Date: December 2021)
June 29
Trávnica (Coverage Date: April 2022) & Pata (Coverage Date: June 2022) in Nitra Region, in addition, Váhovce in Trnava Region (Coverage Date: June 2022)
Oberhöflein (Coverage Date: June 2022) & Niederfellabrunn (Coverage Date: June 2022) in Lower Austria
Tenjo in West Java (Coverage Date: May 2022)


Publish Date Locations
July 3
Voderady in Trnava Region (Coverage Date: June 2022)
July 6
Some in neighborhoods across Soshanguve: Block L, Block M, Soshanguve - UU & Soshanguve South (Coverage Date: Jun 2022)
July 11
Some neighborhoods northeast of Tsakane in Brakpan (Coverage Date: June 2022)
Ivanje Selo in Cerknica Region (Coverage Date: June 2022)
Santana do Araguaia in Pará State (Coverage Date: June 2022)
July 12
Penjamillo de Degollado
[Note] Coverage extends mainly through the main streets.
in Michoacán State, in addition to the neighborhood of San Onofre in Sahuayo de Morelos (Coverage Date: June 2022)
Tvrdošín (Coverage Date: June 2022)
Foieni in Satu Mare County (Coverage Date: June 2022)
July 13
Čierna Voda & Veľké Úľany (Coverage Date: June 2022) in Trnava Region, in addition to Močenok (Coverage Date: June 2022) in Nitra Region
Theras in Lower Austria (Coverage Date: June 2022)
Ngwelezana in KwaZulu-Natal Province (Cov. Date: May 2022)
July 14
Escalante City, Cadiz City & Vallehermoso in Negros Occidental (Coverage Date: June 2022)
Mahawan (ตำบลมหาวัน) & Mae Tan (ตำบล แม่ต้าน) in Tak Province (Coverage Date: June 2022)
Tetétlen & Komádi in Hajdú-Bihar County (Coverage Date: June 2022), in addition, Füzesgyarma in Békés County (Coverage Date: June 2022) & Cserkeszőlő in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County (Coverage Date: June 2022)
Islands of Bjarkøya, Sandsøya & Arnøy (Coverage Date: June 2022)
Tautendorf in Lower Austria (Coverage Date: June 2022)
Almonacid de la Sierra
[Note] Coverage extends mainly in the main streets of the town.
in Aragón (Coverage Date: June 2022)
Parada in Braganza District (Coverage Date: June 2022)
Beddingestrand & Blentarp in Skåne County (Coverage Date: July 2022)
Olănești in Vâlcea County (Coverage Date: June 2022)
July 16
Réfega in Braganza District (Coverage Date: July 2022)
July 17
Sasolburg in Free State Province (Cov. Date: May 2022)
July 19
Hörnefors in Västerbotten County (Cov. Date: Apr 2022)
Some trekkers in Tierra del Fuego, southern Argentina: Note: The trekkers coverage is from 2018 but was published in July 2022 because it is a Google initiative to promote the documentary "Hostil". (See Filo News Article)
July 20
  • New Delhi: Sector 4 (सेक्टर 4) (Coverage Date: April 2022), Mohammadpur (मोहम्मदपुर) (Coverage Date: May 2022) & Bhikaji Cama Place (भीकाजी कामा प्लेस) (Coverage Date: May 2022) in Rama Krishna Puram
  • Hyderabad: Whitefields (వైట్ ఫీల్డ్స్) (Coverage Date: January 2022 to May 2022)
  • Bengaluru: HAL 2nd Stage (HAL 2ನೇ ಸ್ಟೇಜ್) (Coverage Date: December 2021)
July 27
Museo Poldi Pezzoli in Milan, Lombardy (Coverage Date: June 2022) (See 24 Cultura Article) (Google Arts Page)
Cocomarola Oeste Neighborhood in Posadas, Misiones Province (Coverage Date: May 2022)

Coverage extended to much of Greater New Delhi, including areas in February 2022 to April 2022

Ghaziabad ग़ाज़ियाबाद Apr 2022
Lucknow लखनऊ Jun 2022
Prayagraj इलाहाबाद Jun 2022
Kanpur कानपुर May 2022
Varanasi वाराणसी Jun 2022
Hapur हापुड़ May 2022
Noida नोएडा Apr 2022
Meerut मेरठ Mar 2022
Mumbai मुंबई Dec 2021
Pune पुणे May 2022
Nagpur नागपूर Jun 2022
Alibag अलिबाग May 2022
Khopoli खोपोली May 2022
Neral नेरळ May 2022
Pimpri-Chinchwad पिंपरी-चिंचवड May 2022
Ahmednagar अहमदनगर Jun 2022
Nashik नासिक Jun 2022
Sinnar सिन्नर June 2022
Solapur सोलापुर Jun 2022
Ahmedabad અમદાવાદ Jun 2022
Surat સુરત Jun 2022
Vadodara વડોદરા Jun 2022
Chennai சென்னை Feb 2022
Hosur ஓசூர் Feb 2022
Maraimalai Nagar மறைமலைநகர் Apr 2022
Hyderabad హైదరాబాదు Jan 2022
Saroornagar సరూర్నగర్ Jan 2022
Bengaluru ಬಂಗಳೂರು Jan 2022
Nelamangala ನೆಲಮಂಗಲ Feb 2022
Dod Ballapur ೊಡ್ಡಬಳ್ಳಾಪುರ Nov 2021
Sonipat सोनीपत Mar to Jun 2022
Rewari रेवाडी May 2022
Amritsar ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤਸਰ Jun 2022
Jalandhar ਜਲੰਧਰ Jun 2022

Coverage to parts of Chandigarh City (ਚੰਡੀਗੜ੍ - चंडीगढ़) dating back to June 2022.

July 29
Taman Adiyasa in Kecamatan Cisoka, Banten Province (Coverage Date: July 2022)
Shullo Uclo & Catalina Huanca Urbanizations in Northern Huancayo, Junín Department (Coverage Date: May 2022)
  • Metropolitan Region: Villa Estaciones Ferroviarias in Puente Alto (Coverage Date: April 2022)
  • Maule Region: Northern Bicentenario Neighborhood in Talca (Coverage Date: May 2022)
  • Los Lagos Region: Portal del Sur I, II, III & IV (Coverage Date: March 2022)
State City/Town Coverage Date
Andhra Pradesh Kurmannapalem Suburb (కూర్మన్నపాలెం) in Visakhapatnam July 2022
Punjab Ludhiana (ਲੁਧਿਆਣਾ) June 2022
Maharashtra Chaitanya Nagar (चैतन्य नगर) in Nanded June 2022
Gujarat Petlad (પેટલાદ) June 2022
Gujarat Yogiraj Society (યોગીરાજ સોસાઇટી) in Nadiad June 2022
Gujarat Sayan (સાયણ) June 2022
Haryana Bana Madanpur (बाना मदनपुर) in Panchkula June 2022
Uttarakhand Gtb Nagar (जीटीबी नगर) in Dehradun June 2022
Uttarakhand Haripur Kalan (हरिपुर कलान) in Haridwar June 2022
Mae Song (ตำบล แม่สอง) in Tak Province (Coverage Date: June 2022)
Stefănesti in Gorj County (Coverage Date: June 2022), in addition to Clopodia, Timiș County (Coverage Date: June 2022)
Breza in Žilina Region (Coverage Date: July 2022)
July 31
Nova Mutum in Mato Grosso (Coverage Date: June 2022)
Ritsem in Norrbotten County (Coverage Date: June 2022)
Kayenta in State of Arizona (Cov. Date: Jul 2022)


Publish Date Locations
August 1
Gadkhol Patiya (ગડખોળ પાટિયા) in Anklesvar, Gujarat (Coverage Date: June 2022), in addition to Chandrapur in Maharashtra (Coverage Date: June 2022)
Röschitz in Lower Austria (Coverage Date: July 2022)
Ban Khlong Sombun (บ้านคลองสมบูรณ์) in Nakhon Sawan (Coverage Date: July 2022)
August 2
Zálesie in Bratislava Region (Cov. Date: Jun to Jul 2022)
August 10
Northern Turkiye (Coverage Date: July 2022):
Sekadau in West Kalimantan (Coverage Date: June 2022)
Majosháza & Dunavarsány in Pest County (Coverage Date: July 2022)
Malovăt in Mehedinți County (Coverage Date: July 2022)
Rauris in Salzburg (Coverage Date: July 2022)
Bharuch (भरूच) in Guyarat (Coverage Date: July 2022)
August 11
Some neighborhoods in Thohoyandou, Limpopo Province including Thohoyandou-A, Thohoyandou-C & Thohoyandou-D. (Coverage Date: June 2022)
San Francisco del Mezquital in Durango State (Coverage Date: July 2022)
Orta in Çankırı Province (Coverage Date: July 2022)
Rydsgård in Skåne County (Coverage Date: July 2022)
August 12
Zeytindağ in İzmir Province (Coverage Date: July 2022)
Malegaon (मालेगाव) in Maharashtra (Cov. Date: July 2022)
August 13
Barrio Universidad Católica in Salta City (Coverage Date: June 2022)
August 19
Lai Ka Gurha (लई का गुडा) in Rajasthan (Coverage Date: June 2022)
August 20
Srikakulam (శ్రీకాకుళం), Kakinada (కాకినాడ), Perecherla (పేరేచర్ల), Peda Palakaluru (పేద పలకలూరు), Mallavaram (మల్లవరం), Chebrolu (చెబ్రోలు), Lemallepadu (లేమల్లెపాడు), Mandadi (మందడి), Godavarru (గొడవర్రు) & Dasupalem (దాసుపాలెం) in Andhra Pradesh (Coverage Date: July 2022)
August 21
Jelka in Trnava Region (Coverage Date: July 2022), in addition to Zelená Voda Neighborhood in Nové Mesto nad Váhom, Trenčín Region (Coverage Date: August 2022)
August 22
Tejupilco de Hidalgo in Mexico State (Coverage Date: July 2022)
Sitapura (सीतापुरा) & Raja Park (राजा पार्क) in Jaipur, Rajasthan (Coverage Date: July 2022)
August 24
Çekerek in Yozgat Province in addition to Yeşilyurt in Tokat Province (Coverage Date: August 2022)
Rebbenesøya Island in Troms og Finnmark fylke in addition to Nuvsvåg in Loppa Peninsula (Coverage Date: July 2022)
August 25
Muljava in Lower Carniola (Coverage Date: July 2022)
August 27
Karacaköy Merkez in Istanbul Province (Coverage Date: June 2022)
August 30
Barrio Serranias Puntanas in San Luis City (Coverage Date: July 2022)
August 31
Bangkok Art and Culture Centre (หอศิลปวัฒนธรรมแห่งกรุงเทพมหานคร) in Thailand (Coverage Date: February 2022) (Google Arts Page)
[Note] Added between August 12 and 31, according to snapshots from the Google Arts page - Earlier this year, Google launched several initiatives to digitize Thai museum collections including the Bangkok Art and Culture Centre (See Google Thailand Official Blog).


Publish Date Locations
September 1
Canaã dos Carajás in State of Pará (Coverage Date: July 2022)
Sulakyurt in Kırıkkale Province (Coverage Date: July 2022), in addition to Şefaatli in Yozgat Province (Coverage Date: July 2022)
September 2
Some neighbourhoods in north-western Lázaro Cardenas, Michoacán such as Valle del Tecnológico (Coverage Date: August 2022)
September 3
Expansion of the coverage of almost all the streets of Lázaro Cárdenas including the city center (Coverage Date: August 2022)
September 6
Boitekong in North West Province (Coverage Date: August 2022), Winterveld in Gauteng (Coverage Date: August 2022) in addition to the suburb of Blackburn in KwaZulu-Natal (Coverage Date: August 2022)
September 7
Langenwang in Styria (Coverage Date: August 2022)
September 8
Onyujima Island (大入島) in Ōita Prefecture (Coverage Date: August 2022)
September 9
Divriği in Sivas Province (Coverage Date: August 2022), in addition to Almus in Tokat Province (Coverage Date: July 2022)
Lødingen in Nordland County (Coverage Date: June 2022)
September 10
Sânnicolau Român in Bihor County (Coverage Date: September 2022), in addition to Oituz in Bacău County (Coverage Date: August 2022)
  • Erzurum Province: Narman (Coverage Date: August 2022)
  • Bayburt Province: Demirözü & Gökçedere (Coverage Date: August 2022)
  • Ordu Province: Kumru (Coverage Date: July 2022)
  • İzmir Province: Çandarlı (Coverage Date: July 2022)
September 11
Echsenbach in State of Lower Austria (Coverage Date: August 2022)
Terøya Island in Møre og Romsdal (Coverage Date: June 2022)
Sidney in State of Montana (Coverage Date: August 2022)
Horasan (Coverage Date: August 2022), in addition to Eleşkirt in Ağrı Province (Coverage Date: August 2022) & Kiğı in Bingöl Province (Cov. Date: Aug 2022)
September 12
Plak Nu (ปลักหนู) in Songkhla Province (Coverage Date: July 2022)
[Note] Very limited coverage, mainly extending into the main streets of the city.
in Central Kalimantan (Coverage Date: July 2022)
Kabelvåg in Nordland (Coverage Date: June 2022)
Ratten & Sankt Barbara im Mürztal (Coverage Date: August 2022) in Styria, in addition to Schwarzenau in Lower Austria (Coverage Date: August 2022)
September 13
Buerås in Halland County (Coverage Date: August 2022)
Enø Island
[Note] Coverage extends mostly on the main streets of the island, generally other small residential streets have not been covered by Google.
in Zealand Region (Coverage Date: July 2022)
September 15
Andhra Pradesh, India:
  • Pedakurapadu Mandal:
    • Pedakurapadu (పెదకూరపాడు),
      [Note] Somewhat limited coverage, mainly extending around the main streets of the city.
      , Jalalpuram (జలాల్‌పురం), Lingamguntla (లింగంగుంట్ల) & Patibandla (Coverage Date: July 2022)
  • Kanchikacherla Mandal:
    • Kothapeta (కొత్తపేట) & Munnaluru (మున్నలూరు) (Coverage Date: July 2022)
  • Medikonduru Mandal:
    • Mandapadu (మందపాడు) & Paladugu (పాలడుగు) (Coverage Date: July 2022)
September 16
Himamaylan City, Hinigaran, Moises Padilla & Payao in Western Visayas (Coverage Date: August 2022)
Ban Huai Tao (บ้านห้วยเต่า), Ban Wang Yai (บ้านวังใหญ่) & Lam Phlai (ลำไพล) in Songkhla Province (Coverage Date: July 2022)
  • West Nusa Tenggara:
    • Kecamatan Selong: Rakam (Coverage Date: July 2022)
  • West Java:
    • Kecamatan Karangpawitan: Karangpawitan (Coverage Date: August 2022)
    • Kecamatan Garut Kota: Margawati (Coverage Date: July 2022)
    • Kecamatan Cilawu: Mangurakyat (Coverage Date: August 2022) & Ngamplangsari (Coverage Date: July 2022)
September 17
Jerslev Sogn
[Note] The main streets have coverage dated 2019 and 2021, but the rest of the town's streets have coverage dated August 2022.
in North Jutland Region (Coverage Date: August 2022)
  • Ağrı: Tutak (Coverage Date: August 2022)
  • Trebisonda: Hayrat (Coverage Date: August 2022)
September 18
  • Tekirdağ Province: Veliköy (Coverage Date: September 2022)
  • Elazığ Province: Karakoçan (Cov. Date: August 2022)
    [Note] The coverage around the towns was published between September 10 and 18. (See Coverage Map)
  • Diyarbakır Province: Kulp & Eğil (Coverage Date: August 2022)
September 19
Margao in State of Goa (Coverage Date: August 2022), in addition to Bheemili (భీమిలి) in Andhra Pradesh (Coverage Date: July 2022)
Jämjö, Fridlevstad & Rödeby in Blekinge County (Coverage Date: August 2022)
Voerså in North Jutland Region (Coverage Date: September 2022)
Zădăreni in Arad County (Coverage Date: September 2022)
September 20
Benzú in Ceuta (Coverage Date: September 2022)
September 22
Santiago do Norte
[Note] Very limited coverage mainly extends in the streets that are close to the MT-130 highway.
in State of Mato Grosso (Coverage Date: July 2022)
Phansi Museum in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal (Coverage Date: March 2021) (Google Arts Page)
[Note] The museum views were added on September 22, the next day, several South African media started reporting about the collaboration between Google and the museum, being one of Arts and Culture's biggest projects for South Africa with around 5000 images from the museum's collections (See Berea Mail Article).
September 23
Itaituba in State of Pará (Coverage Date: August 2022)
The Owl House in Nieu-Bethesda, Eastern Cape (Coverage Date: July 2021)
[Note] The street view is linked to the Arts & Culture page of the South African National Tourism Agency, which has previously collaborated with Google to provide street views of different places in the country, including national parks.

Glodeni in Dâmbovița County (Coverage Date: September 2022)
September 24
Etajimacho Washibe (江田島町鷲部) in Etajima Island (江田島), Hiroshima Prefecture (Coverage Date: September 2022)
September 25
Subulussalam City (سبل السلام) in Aceh Province (Coverage Date: August 2022)
September 26
Gintung in Kecamatan Sukadiri in addition to Tanjakan in Kecamatan Rajeg, both villages are in Banten Province (Coverage Date: September 2022)
Rolvsøya Island in Troms og Finnmark Fylke (Coverage Date: August 2022)
Zlatna in Alba County (Coverage Date: September 2022)
September 30
Tubay in Agusan del Norte Province (Coverage Date: August 2022)
São José do Povo in State of Mato Grosso (Coverage Date: May 2022)


Publish Date Locations
October 1
Eravur (ஏறாவூர் / එරාවූර්) (Coverage Date: May 2022 to June 2022), Punanai (புனானை / දොඹාපෙ), Vaddawan (வத்வான் / වඩ්වාන්) (Coverage Date: June 2022) in Eastern Province, in addition to Karative (கராட்டிவ் / කරාටිව්) in North Western Province (Coverage Date: June 2022)
October 3
Nigeria (Note: Gen 3 Coverage taken between 2019 and 2020 was also published in this update):
  • Lagos: Imawte (Cov. Date: Nov 2019)
  • Ogun: Abeokuta (Cov. Date: Jul 2021), Sagamu (Cov. Date: Dic 2021), Ijebu Ode (Cov. Date: Jul 2021), Iperu (Cov. Date: Dic 2019 to Dic 2021) & Ijebu Igbo (Cov. Date: Dic 2019)
  • Osun: Osogbo (Cov. Date: Aug 2021), Ife (Cov. Date: Sept 2021), Ejigbo (Cov. Date: Aug 2021) & Ikirun (Cov. Date: Aug 2021),
  • Ondo: Akure (Cov. Date: Dic 2019), Ondo Town (Cov. Date: Dic 2019) & Igbokoda (Cov. Date: Dic 2019)
  • Edo: Akahia (Cov. Date: Jan 2020)
  • Delta: Asaba
    [Note] Very limited coverage. Coverage extends mainly along the east side of the city, next to the river.
    (Cov. Date: Jan 2020), Warri (Cov. Date: Jan 2020), Ughelli (Cov. Date: Jan 2020) & Oleh (Cov. Date: Jan 2020)
  • Bayelsa: Yenegoa (Cov Date: Jan 2020)
  • Rivers: Port Harcourt (Cov. Date: Feb 2020)
  • Akua Ibom: Uyo (Cov. Date: Feb 2020), Ikot Ekpene (Cov. Date: Feb 2020) & Eket (Cov. Date: Feb 2020)
  • Cross River: Calabar (Cov. Date: Mar 2020 to Sept 2021), Ikom (Cov. Date: Mar 2020), Ogoja (Cov. Date: Mar 2020) & Ugep (Cov. Date: Mar 2020)
  • Abia: Umuahia (Cov. Date: Feb 2020) & Aba (Cov. Date: Feb 2020)
  • Anambra: Onitsha (Cov. Date: Jan 2020) & Awka (Cov. Date: Jan 2020)
  • Kuara: Ilorin (Cov. Date: Apr 2020)
  • Plateau: Jos (Cov. Date: May 2022)
  • Bauchi: Bauchi (Cov. Date: May 2022) & Azare (Cov. Date: May 2022)
  • Taraba: Jalingo (Cov. Date: Mar 2020)
  • Kaduna: Kaduna City (Cov. Date: Nov 2021), Zaria (Cov. Date: Oct 2021) & Kachia (Cov. Date: Nov 2021)
  • Kano: Kano City (Cov. Date: Jul 2021)
  • Jigawa: Dutse (Cov. Date: May 2022)
  • Yobe: Damaturu (Cov. Date: May 2022)
  • Nasawara: Lafia
    [Note] Very limited coverage
    (Cov. Date: Mar 2020)
  • Benue: Makurdi (Cov. Date: Mar 2020)
  • Sokoto: Sokoto City (Cov. Date: May 2022)
  • Dakar Region: Rufisque (Cov. Date: Sept 2021) & Pikine (Cov. Date: Oct 2021)
  • Diourbel Region:
    [Note] The names of the villages in this region were taken from OpenStreetMap, as the Google map of Senegal is very incomplete.
    Diourbel City (Cov. Date: Feb 2022 to Mar 2022), Mbacké (Cov. Date: Apr 2022), Bambey (Cov. Date: Feb 2022), Tilmarha (Cov. Date: Feb 2022), Guitire (Cov. Date: Feb 2022), Dara (Cov. Date: Mar 2022) & Darou Nahim (Cov. Date: Mar 2022)
  • Kaolack Region: Kaolack City (Cov. Date: Nov 2021) & Lydiane (Cov. Date: Mar 2022)
  • Thiès Region: M'Bour (Cov. Date: Oct 2021), Guereo (Cov. Date: Feb 2022), Ngaparou (Cov. Date: Feb 2022), Popenguine (Cov. Date: May 2022), Toubatoule (Cov. Date: Mar 2022), Thilla Ounté (Cov. Date: Mar 2022) & Tivaouane (Cov. Date: May 2022)
  • Fatick Region: Missirah (Cov. Date: Apr 2022) & Néma Bâ (Cov. Date: Apr 2022)
  • Ziguinchor Region: Ziguinchor City (Cov. Date: May 2022)
  • Saint-Louis Region: Mainland Saint-Louis City
    [Note] The Island of Saint-Louis was covered when Google first drove in Senegal during 2015, although they did not drive on much of the City Mainland, but in 2021 they covered most of the roads in this Senegalese city, in addition to also updating some of the island's coverage.
  • Isiolo County: Isiolo Town (Cov. Date: Jan 2022)
  • Homa Bay County: Homa Bay Town (Cov. Date: Nov 2021)
  • Machakos County: Machakos Town (Cov. Date: Oct 2021)
  • Nakuru County: Naivasha (Cov. Date: Oct 2021)
  • Narok County: Narok Town (Cov. Date: Oct 2021)
  • Kwale County: Ukunda (Cov. Date: Oct 2021)
  • Makueni County: Wote (Cov. Date: Oct 2021)
  • Kajiado County: Kitengela (Cov. Date: Mar 2022)
  • Garissa County: Garissa Town (Cov. Date: Oct 2021)
  • Wajir County: Wajir Town
    [Note] Coverage is limited to only the main streets of the town.
    (Cov. Date: Jan 2022)
  • Kakamega County: Kakamega Town (Cov. Date: Nov 2021)
  • Murang'a County: Kenol (Cov. Date: Jan 2022)
  • Migori County: Migori Town (Cov. Date: Dic 2021)
  • Kiambu County: Juja (Cov. Date: Sept 2021)
  • Siaya County: Siaya Town (Cov. Date: Nov 2021 to May 2022)
October 4
Kigali City (Cov. Date: Aug 2022)
October 7
Dargeçit in Mardin Province (Cov. Date: Sept 2022)
October 8
Beşiri in Batman Province (Cov. Date: Sept 2022)
[Note] The only part that has coverage is the southern part of the town.
October 10
Sarmiento in Curicó, Maule Region (Cov. Date: Jun 2022)
October 17
Paes Landim in State of Piauí (Cov. Date: Aug 2022)
Google Arts Coverage:
October 21
Turkiye (Cov. Date: Sept 2022):
  • Balıkesir Province: Sındırgı
  • Şanlıurfa Province: Ceylanpınar
    [Note] The coverage has been gradually published in the town from October 18 to 21.
  • Mardin Province: Nusaybin
    [Note] The coverage has been gradually published in the town from October 20 to 21.
    & Mazıdağı
October 23
Matina in State of Bahia (Cov. Date: Sept 2022), in addition to Araputanga in State of Mato Grosso (Cov. Date: Aug 2022)
Eşme in Uşak Province, in addition to Savaştepe in Balıkesir Province (Cov. Date: Sept 2022)
October 24
Arapeí in State of São Paulo (Cov. Date: Sept 2022)
Letlhabile in North West Province (Cov. Date: Sept 2022)
[Note] Coverage published between October 1 and 24 (Coverage Map)
October 25
Dolné Orešany & Horné Orešany in Trnava Region (Cov. Date: Oct 2022)
October 26
Lövestad in Skåne County (Cov. Date: Oct 2022)
Vallehermoso in State of Tamualipas
[Note] The only covered area in town is the Central Zone, which only contains October coverage apart from the main streets and park done with a trekker in 2017.
(Cov. Date: Oct 2022)
Carrascal de Surigao & Marihatag in Surigao del Sur Province (Cov. Date. Aug 2022)
Curvelândia in State of Mato Grosso, in addition to Mirinzal in State of Maranhão (Cov. Date: Sept 2022)
October 29
Vasco da Gama in State of Goa (Cov. Date: Oct 2022), in addition to Daman City in the Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu (Cov. Date: Oct 2022)
October 30
Etwatwa in Gauteng Province (Cov. Date: Sept 2022)
October 31
Cotabato City in Bangsamoro Autonomous Region (Cov. Date: Oct 2022)


Publish Date Locations
November 3
Several monuments, memorials and sculptures in South Africa in collaboration with Design Indaba. (Source) (Google Arts Page)
November 5
Sarıcakaya in Eskişehir Province (Cov. Date: Oct 2022)
November 6
Balo (บาลอ) in Raman District, Yala Province (Cov. Date: Nov 2022)
Spring Valley in State of Illinois (Cov. Date: Oct 2022)
[Note] Town's coverage was published between November 7 and 9 (Coverage Map)
November 8
[Note] The coverage has been gradually published in the city from November 3 to 8.
(Cov. Date: Oct 2022) & Silopi in Şırnak Province (Cov. Date: Sept 2022)
[Note] The coverage of certain parts of the town continues to rise, while the northwestern part has much of the coverage posted, the southeastern part has almost none.

Karang Jadi in Kecamantan Belitang III, South Sumatra (Cov. Date: Oct 2022)
November 9
Jatimulyo II in Kecamantan Madang Suku II, South Sumatra (Cov. Date: Sept 2022) & Kurungan Nyawa III in Kecamantan Buay Madang, South Sumatra (Cov. Date: Oct 2022)
Söğüt in Bilecik Province (Cov. Date: Oct 2022)
[Note] The coverage has been gradually published in the city from November 6 to 9.

Brashlen (Бръшлен) in Ruse Province (Cov. Date: Oct 2022)
November 10
Rasuan in Kecamantan Madang Suku I, South Sumatra (Cov. Date: Sept 2022)
November 15
Google Arts Coverage in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province (See China Google Blog) (Cov. Date: Nov 2020):
November 17
Some installations of the 23rd Biennale of Sydney with coverage at Walsh Bay and Barrangaroo Reserve (Cov. Date: Jun 2022) (See the Biennial website for more information)
November 19
Limited coverage in the following Qatari locations, mainly near stadiums and shopping malls:
November 20
Cárdenas in State of San Luis Potosí (Cov. Date: Oct 2022)
November 21
Altunhisar in Niğde Province (Cov. Date: Oct 2022) in addition to Mihalıcçık in Eskişehir Province (Cov. Date: Oct 2022)
November 24
Nellore & Rajahmundry in State of Andhra Pradesh (Cov. Date: Aug 2022), in addition to Bhubaneshwar & Cuttack (Cov. Date: Aug 2022 to Sept 2022)
[Note]The coverage has been published gradually around the city between October 23 and November 24. (See Coverage Map: Nellore, Bhubaneshwar/Cuttack & Rajahmundry)
November 25
The Princes Czartoryski Museum, Centre for the Documentation of the Art of Tadeusz Kantor, Wamel Castle and ICE Krakow Congress Centre in Lesser Poland Voivodeship (Cov. Date: May 2022 to Oct 2022)
November 26
Hanura in Teluk Pandan, Lampung Province (Cov. Date: Oct 2022)
November 29
November 30
Historic buildings in Salamanca, Castile and León (Source) (Google Arts Page):
Anantapur in State of Andhra Pradesh (Cov. Date: Aug 2022)
[Note] Coverage gradually published between October 23 and November 30 (See Coverage Map of the City).

  • Cross River: Ogoja (Cov. Date: Aug 2022)
  • Benue: Oturkpo (Cov. Date: Jul 2022)
  • Adamawa: Jimeta (Cov. Date: May 2022)
  • Gombe: Gombe City (Cov. Date: May 2022)
  • Bauchi: Azare (Cov. Date: May 2022)


Publish Date Locations
December 2
Cedral in State of San Luis Potosí (Cov. Date: Oct 2022)
[Note]The coverage of this town has been gradually published from November 30 to December 2.

Chittoor in State of Andhra Pradesh (Cov. Date: Sept 2022)
[Note] Coverage has been published mainly between November 27 and December 2. (See Coverage Map)

Sagay City in Western Visayas (Cov. Date: Nov 2022)
[Note]November 2022 in Western Visayas was published in December 2 (Coverage Map)
, in addition to the town of Mabini (Cov. Date: Nov 2022)
December 4
Dr Arroyo in State of Nuevo León (Cov. Date: Oct 2022)
[Note]The coverage of this town has been gradually published between December 1 and 4.
December 7
Tripods in Murad Khane, Kabul:
[Note]Coverage made by the Turquoise Mountain Foundation in collaboration with Google that was published this year.
December 8
Oturkpo in State of Benue (Cov. Date: Jul 2022)
[Note]The coverage has been published between December 5 and 8.

Tripods in Czechia (See Google Czechia/Slovakia YouTube Video):
December 11
Ipupiara in State of Bahia (Cov. Date: Oct 2022)
December 12
Uibaí in State of Bahia (Cov. Date: Oct 2022)
December 13
Vale de São Domingos in Mato Grosso (Cov. Date: Sept 2022), Campo Novo in Rio Grande do Sul (Cov. Date: Oct 2022), Brejões in Bahia (Cov. Date: Oct 2022),
[Note]On October 5, the news site Criativa Online captured Google's car driving through different streets of this municipality.
São Gabriel in Bahia (Cov. Date: Oct 2022)
December 14
Çiftlik in Niğde Province (Cov. Date: Oct 2022)
[Note]The coverage has been published gradually around the locality between December 11 and 14.
December 22
Ikot Offiong in Akpabuyo, State of Cross River (Cov. Date: Jul 2022)
December 24
Akamkpa in State of Cross River (Cov. Date: Aug 2022)
December 25
Tarumpitao Point in Palawan Island (Cov. Date: Nov 2022)
Phuthaditjhaba in Free State (Cov. Date: Nov 2022)
[Note]The coverage extends mainly in the center of the town.
December 29
Nova Esperança do Piriá in State of Pará (Cov. Date: Sept 2022)
December 30
Loanda in State of Paraná (Cov. Date: Oct 2022)

Coverage still to be processed

Note: This coverage is still to be processed, thus for the moment is very limited, when it is finished to be published, these cities or towns will be placed in the main table.

Country Locations
  • Juruena in State of Mato Grosso, coverage is being uploaded in blocks as of October 23rd, the Northeast block of the town has coverage.

Future Coverage

Country Locations
On November 1, a Twitter user reported a car with a Gen 4 Trekker driving around Panama City. This country has street view but it is unofficial and is recorded with an inferior quality camera that has certain similarities with the one used by Google's partners in India. Panama is the second Central American country to be added to this service.
On November 3, a Twitter user uploaded some images of the Google Trekker around Trevelin in Chubut Province. This is the first time Google has used a Gen 4 Trekker in the southern part of Argentina to take pictures of various routes. These trekkers had already been used to photograph several parks in Buenos Aires, so this area in Chubut will be the second Argentinean subdivision to get this kind of coverage with this camera.
All text on this page is copyrighted. Images of museum exhibits used fall under "Fair Use" in the "Education", "Research", "Scholarship" and "Teaching" section. These museum pages are part of a personal non-profit project for educational purposes.