News - Google Street View cars are being transported to Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Google Street View cars arriving to Bosnia and Herzegovina (April 2024)
Several black cars with gen 4 cameras being loaded (Date: April 20, 2024) (Source: DM Tranpost Banjaluka via IG)

In a recent Instagram post published on April 20 of 2024, the Republika Srpska-based company DM Tranpost Banjaluka recently reported that it was transporting several Google Street View cars equipped with Gen 4 cameras from the Amersfoort, Netherlands to the Balkan country.

According to the Bosnian company's publication, it transported 4 black cars registered in the Netherlands, this is not the first time Google has used foreign cars to cover other countries, an example is Slovenia which is recently being updated with Dutch cars in this year (Source: Večer News Slovenia).

However, the trailers used to transport these cars are registered in BiH, the pictures were taken in the Bergnet Amersfoort parking lot located in the Netherlands.

Bosnia and Herzegovina is one of the last countries on the European continent to be covered by this Google service. Additionally, it will be the first time that Google uses gen 4 cameras to cover a Balkan country that is not part of the European Union.

Recently, Google announced on the official website of the project that it was going to resume the coverage of several European countries, including BiH, this is an important step for the company to expand coverage in areas of the continent that lack better datasets for the improvement of the maps. (More Information: Google Street View - How it works)

According to public information that Google has posted on the official Street View website, the schedule for covering Bosnia and Herzegovina:

  • Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (From April 2024 to September 2024):
    • Sarajevo in Sarajevo Canton
    • Mostar, Čapljina, Srebrenik, Konjic & Bosanska Krupa in Herzegovina-Neretva Canton
    • Bihać in Una-Sana Canton
    • Tuzla, Živinice, Gračanica & Lukavac in Tuzla Canton
    • Zenica, Visoko & Zavidovići in Zenica-Doboj Canton
    • Ljubuški in West Herzegovina Canton
  • Republika Srpska (From April 2024 to September 2024):
    • Banja Luka, Prijedor & Gradiška in Bosanska Krajina Region
    • Bijeljina in Semberija Region
    • Derventa in Posavina Region
    • Doboj Metropolitan Area in addition to several parts of the municipality
    • Trebinje in East Herzegovina
Google Street View Car in Sarajevo
Google Street View cars in Ilidža, Sarajevo spotted by u/VinBenzin1312 on Reddit (Date: April 22, 2024)

Note: This is a basic estimate given by Google's public statements, there are certain external factors such as weather or road maintenance that may delay or prevent the circulation of the Street View cars, but in general, Google will try to prioritize covering the main economic and historical centers of Bosnia and Herzegovina; in addition to the main roads and highways in order to improve the maps of the country.

  • You can send images of the Google car in the country through this form, photographic evidence helps us to know exactly the progress of mapping and photographing the cars.


Google Street View Car in rural Sarajevo
A Google Street View car driving in the Trebević Mountain Area (Image Credit: @r_turanjanin via Instagram) (Date: April 29, 2024)

Through several social media posts, a reddit user confirmed seeing several Google Street View cars arriving in Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

At the end of April 2024, several local media such as and CRNA Hronika BIH reported that several Google Street View cars were already driving around several suburbs of Sarajevo.

On April 29, an Instagram user reported that the Google Street View car was driving along rural roads surrounding Sarajevo, specifically in the mountainous area around Trebević in Srpska.


Note: Respective credit to DM Transport company for providing quality photos.

Google Street View Car Bosnia (April 2024) Photo 1
Google Street View Car Bosnia (April 2024) Photo 2
Google Street View Car Bosnia (April 2024) Photo 3

Sarajevo Photos

Google Street View Car in Sarajevo (Photo 1)
April 29, 2024 - Sarajevo (Credit: D. S. via
Google Street View Car in Sarajevo (Photo 2)
April 29, 2024 - Sarajevo (Credit: D. S. via
Google Street View Car in Sarajevo (Photo 3)
April 29, 2024 - Sarajevo (Credit: D. S. via
Google Street View Car in Sarajevo (Photo 3)
April 29, 2024 - Sarajevo (Credit: CRNA Hronika BIH)


  • Written by Seb on April 21, 2024
  • Note: Changing speculation that the photos were taken in Germany to Amersfoort, NL. Thanks to xdTAGCLAN for geolocating the photos.
  • Changelog
    • April 29, 2024: Adding Sarajevo Spottings
    • May 2, 2024: Adding photograph taken in a rural area
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